CHP - arms with Myer

CHP - arms with Myer

12 November 2012

One more week 'til we test

- by Janelle (IM)

I find myself forgetting what day of the week it is quite often these days. I think it's my coping method with the wait time we have until the day of the pregnancy blood test. The thought of doing a countdown of sorts only increases my anxiousness, so instead I only glance at the calendar. Before I know it, test day will be around the corner, right!?

I tried thinking of some fun ways of doing a countdown, like creating a 13-day chocolate advent calendar of sorts. This would be quite easy since we still have a bowl full of Halloween candy. Then my anxiousness can be paired with a sugar high!! Haha, not sure that'll do me any good...

Truthfully I'm more excited than anything. I've been feeling really positive about this transfer and I know I'm not the only one. I hope the energy in the world is speaking to us with accuracy ;)


  1. oh oh I've heard positive energy is usually accurate! I'll send some more :)

  2. I am sending all my positive energy your way and Kim's way. xox

  3. Thanks everyone for all the positive energy and good vibes!!!!

    ....I don't know if I can last a week though! I will try my hardest to not accidentally stop in at the drugstore today, though I make no promises.
    ...I can only do (or not do) so much :)

  4. The 2WW is the hardest! You can drive yourself crazy testing over and over, or crazy with wondering what the beta will show. My IM didn't want to talk over the phone the week prior to the transfer, as she knew I would be taking HPT's. That was hard for both of us. I'm sending prego vibes and thoughts your way Janelle & Kim. :)
