CHP - arms with Myer

CHP - arms with Myer

11 May 2012

The Beginning - from the home & heart of the IM

Hi - this is Janelle writing (the Intended Mother, IM). I want to share with Kim and all those dear to us just how special Kim is to us. Here's how Kim's generosity and love has impacted us so far... 

It was a Thursday night when Kim called and what a moment that was for me! My husband was out curling and my son was asleep so I sat on the edge of my bed with the phone to my ear and tears rolling down my cheeks. When I think about it now I'm still in shock, that feeling where disbelief collides with reality. Is this really happening? 

Simply put, I'm never going to forget picking up the phone, seeing on the call display that a call was coming in from Kim's number and hearing her offer to be our surrogate. That was a magical moment in my life that will always stick with me! I feel extremely lucky for Kim and I know that my husband feels the same. It feels good to write this down and hard at the same time because how do you fully express what it's like for someone to offer such an amazing gift, the chance to have another child, a sibling for our son? How can you possibly say thank you? 

I know that there are still many hurdles ahead of us, but to even be presented with the chance to extend our family fills me with such happiness and excitement. I'm in awe of Kim and her husband Carl too. Surrogacy is a large undertaking and it will impact all of us in many ways and at different stages along the way.

The night Kim called the journey began for us. I'm so excited to be going down this path with Kim. She is amazing.

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